Steve's Damn Good Brewing Log

Here's an overview of what's currently in the works at Steve's Damn Good Brewery. Click on "details" for more information on a specific batch.

Damn Good Beer logo
Batch Status Started On: Ready On:
Toasted Nut Brown Ale [details]
My first nut brown ale. I had to toast a pound of 40 degree Lovibond crystal malt to boost the nuttiness of the brew since I didnt' have very much 60 to use.
Secondary 6/13/04 7/10/04?
Pirate Porter [details]
Another attempt at a Porter, since my last one was a bit of a disappointment. This one will be good, though. Arrrgh!
Kegged 6/6/04 7/3/04
Steve's Pale Ale '04 [details]
Further refinement on my pale ale. New ingredients, new equipment, new formulation.
Kegged 5/30/04 Now.
Stout [details]
What more can I say?  Nothing beats a black, roasty soul-quenching stout.
(yeah, it took
me a while)
8/31/03 Now.
Retired Batches
(existing only in my memories, a piece of paper, and the inkling to brew another batch just like it!)
Steve's Pale Ale [details]
An original recipe attempt at the classic pale ale style.  Final evaluation: upon further research, this batch ended up most like an American Amber, which is still a pale ale.  With possible minor tweaks, this recipe will be brewed again.
Yer Avridge Bitter [details]
Recipe from "Pale Ale" by Terry Foster, first edition, pg. 113. Final evaluation: very good. A little light in carbonation, but overall a nice smooth beer, except for the slight presence of a dry/slightly bitter (different from hops) aftertaste-- most likely due to the added gypsum. I would leave this out next time, or at least reduce the amount.
A Pale Copy [details]
This is what you get when you have to make a batch of beer!  A variation on Steve's Pale Ale to see where I can take a pale ale. Final evaluation: very good. This came out very similar to the pale ale it was based on, but I can't recall specific tasting notes at the moment. I still have a small amount left, but plan on finishing it up before the new brewing season starts on Memorial Day weekend.
Steve's Porter [details]
Original recipe, but based heavily on recipes in "Porter" by Terry Foster. This batch turned out very poor. Not quite as black or roasty as I wanted, and I had carbonation issues (I used Prime Tabs for the first and last time-- artificial carbonation from now on!) so the beer was left undercarbonated and sweet. I still have about a dozen bottles left, but I'm considering this batch retired.


If you want to see the old pictures I had up here before, GO FOR IT.